The Aldous-Hoover Theorem in Categorical Probability
Work by Leihao Chen, Tobias Fritz, Tomáš Gonda, Andreas Klingler, Antonio Lorenzin on arXiv:2411.12840
Resource-theoretic hierarchy of contextuality for general probabilistic theories
Work by Lorenzo Catani, Thomas D. Galley, Tomáš Gonda on arxiv:2406.00717
Conceptual and formal groundwork for the study of resource dependence relations
Work by Yìlè Yīng, Tomáš Gonda and Robert Spekkens on arxiv:2407.00164
Epistemic Boundaries and Quantum Uncertainty: What Local Observers Can (Not) Predict
This work by Johannes Fankhauser hast just appeared in Quantum 8, 1518 (2024)
Emulations of spin models preserve all properties, are modular and allow for universality
We present a framework to study and construct emulations of spin models in arXiv:2407.13428
Tensors inspired us to study polynomial decompositions
Just published in Linear Algebra and its Applications 698, 537 (2024). This is one of DAL·LE’s renderings.
Positivity of Matrix Moments
In this paper, we examine the moment membership problem, investigating both its decidability and undecidability.
Many bounded versions of undecidable problems are NP-hard
Being undecidable and NP-hard are two ways of being hard - the former for machines with unbounded time, the latter for machines with poly-bounded time.
Does bounding an undecidable problem result in an NP-hard problem? Quite often. SciPost Phys. 14, 173 (2023)