Paradoxes Essays
In the summer term of 2022, we had a lot of fun discussing Paradoxes in the framework of a lecture (called Paradoxes, here at the University of Innsbruck) where we followed Agustin Rayo’s book “On the brink of paradox”. People wrote very interesting essays at the end of the course, which we feel should be shared:
Sebastian Stengele on Time travel and computation
Tobias Reinhart on Skolem’s paradox
Marc Rodà Llordés on Free Will and Determinism
Damian Drexel on Self-reference and Kripke’s theory of truth
Tina Radkhol and Kerem Akdogan on The Physics of Free Agency
Isaac Smith on A sentence is never more truthful than when it acknowledges itself a liar (finitely many times)
Emir Medjic and Berend Klaver On the nature of truth
Samuel Frontull, Christina Kohl and Fabian Mitterwallner on The Lambda Calculus
David Kennworthy Gunn on Kompleteness, Incompleteness and Undefinability
Alexander Ebenbichler on Time travel